Posts in Reviews

SEC Drops Bombshell: Bitcoin ETFs Approved – What’s Next?

Hi everyone! The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has finally approved bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Huge news for the cryptocurrency community! With big companies like BlackRock, Ark Investments, Fidelity, Invesco, and VanEck receiving official approval, well it’s a significant shift. Although there have been some worries expressed regarding potential risks, the SEC’s decision is being heralded as a significant turning point for Bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency community.

Institutionalizing Bitcoin as an Asset Class:

In the process of making bitcoin an asset class, this authorization is significant. A whiz at Rosenblatt Securities, Andrew Bond, called it a “huge positive” for attracting large investors. Talk about a game-changer for the cryptocurrency market: according to Standard Chartered analysts, these ETFs may draw between $50 billion and $100 billion in 2024 alone!

Market Impact and Potential Inflows:

The entry of bitcoin into the ETF market is anticipated to generate a large amount of revenue, as bitcoin’s market capitalization surpassed $913 billion at the time of approval. Analysts’ projections range from $55 billion over the following five years to an astounding $100 billion only this year. It might completely change the crypto scene by providing stability and credibility, much like a cash infusion in the fiat market.

Advertising Blitz and Market Competition:

Hold on to your hats—we’re in for a wild ride of online ads and marketing efforts, as these companies are well-prepared  for the launch of their ETFs. Already, Bitwise and VanEck are shouting from the rooftops that bitcoin is the upcoming big thing. A pricing battle is also underway, with issuers such as Bitwise, ARK, and Invesco providing no fees for the first half of a year. Kind of a new big fight for your cryptocurrency focus!

Fees and Fee Wars:

Competitive fees are expected to benefit bitcoin investors, and issuers are already modifying their pricing strategies to obtain a competitive advantage. For instance, Cathie Wood’s ARK Invest originally said that there would be a 0.8% charge, but ultimately chose to waive it for the first six months. Other issuers in the growing ETF sector, including Grayscale, have different fee structures; theirs is 1.5%.

Tracking and Premium Concerns:

Let’s get real now. What’s next, and how will it influence the BTC price in the long term? It looks like a wait-and-see situation, according to some analysts, because the bitcoin spot market isn’t as developed as the futures market. Furthermore, it remains to be seen if the trading price of these ETFs will be higher or lower than their net asset value. It’s difficult stuff, similar to attempting to predict the stock market. But let’s hope for the best. 


So fasten your seatbelt! The SEC`s approval of bitcoin ETFs is, I would say, a revolution for the cryptocurrency and finance industry. We can expect huge growth in the long term and broader acceptance of bitcoin as large investors get greater access to it. For the most part, the crypto community is experiencing an exciting moment, but there are still some unanswered issues around monitoring and possible premiums or discounts. Anyway, cheers to these exchange-traded funds’ influence on the dynamic realm of digital assets!

My AlgosOne Update: Account Journey, Profits, and Withdrawal Strategy!

It’s time for a quick update on the situation in my AlgosOne account. I’m sure you’ll be interested in taking a look at my results and user experience, given the hype surrounding this platform. Many trading enthusiasts are currently contemplating their first investment in this AI technology and trying to understand if it can be trusted.

Let me get straight to my balance. Not long ago, I reinvested 100 USD from my checking account (where all your trading profits are stored) into the main account. After all, the more money there, the more resources the AI platform can use for trading. Unfortunately, this step wasn’t enough to increase my account tier, but at this stage, I’m willing to wait and not dive headfirst into this project. So, in my main account, I now have 3,113 USD. Trading results brought me a little profit, so in the checking account, I currently have 83 USD.

As for trading, this week I relied more on AUTO trades and hardly confirmed 1CLICK, despite receiving regular notifications on Telegram. During the Christmas period, I didn’t have much free time, so I’m pleasantly surprised by the positive result despite my minimal involvement. As you can see, my activity on the platform recently left a lot to be desired.

For those already using AlgosOne, I can share a very profitable and convenient feature that I discovered not long ago. It turns out you can select a 12-hour time window in which you’ll receive all your 1CLICK trades. It is easy to find by clicking My Account and  Signals Scheduler then. I admit, I like to sleep at night, so without hesitation, I set this restriction for myself. I don’t think it will significantly affect the profitability of my account, but I won’t make any claims – decide for yourself.

It’s been almost a month since I decided to try AlgosOne, and in terms of usability, customer experience, and, most importantly, profitability, I am more than satisfied. But all of this is meaningless if the platform has problems with fund withdrawals. So, my strategy for the near future will not include reinvesting profits or making new investments. I’ll try to accumulate a more substantial profit on the checking account and withdraw it from the platform. I will definitely show the entire process, as this is one of the key questions that many are interested in. Stay tuned!


Hey, all fellow money-making enthusiasts! I continue to explore the innovative AI trading platform AlgosOne and share the entire process so that you can, based on my experience, decide whether entrusting your funds to this impersonal yet highly potential creation is worthwhile. So, get yourself ready, here’s the latest update on my account.

This week hasn’t been as profitable as some in the past. But you know, I’ve had weeks of trading on Binance where I closed only losing positions. That didn’t stop me from earning much more later. So, unsuccessful trades don’t scare me now, as I’m always geared towards long-term success. In that regard, having a positive balance between successful and unsuccessful trades in AlgosOne suits me just fine at this stage. Knowing there’s no commission for unsuccessful trades makes me feel more relaxed.

Now, let me spill the beans on a few trades that the AI pulled off for me this week—the ones that I find particularly interesting. The big winner was a long position in the USD/COP pair. Dealing with a coin that doesn’t exactly top the market cap charts, it still raked in +28.8 USD after the commission cut. Another one catching my eye is a short position, this time in the USD/PLD pair, recommended by the platform. Sure, I ended up in the red, but what excites me is that the AI is sniffing out completely different trading opportunities, including tokens tied to the gaming scene.

Gone are the days of exclusively working with the top 10 tokens; now, it’s all about navigating this ever-growing market and digging up coins with real potential. I reckon this is one of the main perks of having AI on our side as traders. No need to get bummed out. Let’s capitalize on this!

Over the course of using the AlgosOne platform, my checking account has racked up 92 USD. Now, I’m faced with a dilemma, trying to figure out what to do with these funds. Sure, I could keep them chillin’ in my checking account and let that sum grow over time. But, on the flip side, there’s the option to reinvest this profit, potentially beefing up my game on the platform down the road. Another thought is to cash out the profit, plus it’s a chance to test-drive that whole withdrawal process. Let me know in the comments which move you think would be the smart play.

Also, just a heads-up, I’ve got a referral link for those who’ve caught the vibe from my journey and are ready to dive into their own adventure with AlgosOne:

Get Ready to Rethink Trading: The AI Storm is Coming in 2024!

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) is gearing up for an exciting era of innovation, especially in the online trading and finance sectors in general. Let’s try to predict five major trends that will have a significant impact on the AI trading environment in 2024.

Making AI Understandable:

The desire for transparency in the AI decision-making process is growing. Focus on Explainable AI (XAI) in 2024 wouldn’t be a surprise for the industry. Traders and investors expect AI models to provide accurate predictions as well as an explanation why they suggest specific actions. This push for clarity is vital for building trust in AI.

Quantum Computing Changing the Game:

The combination of quantum computing with AI trading strategies is set to revolutionize the scene in 2024. As quantum computing gets more open, financial institutions are likely to use its incredible computational power to beat traditional algorithms, especially in complex problem-solving and risk evaluation. This trend could change the speed and proficiency with which trades are conducted.

Bringing DeFi and AI Together:

In 2024, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and AI are anticipated to join forces. Smart contracts and AI algorithms will team up to automate trading methodologies, optimize portfolios, and improve risk management in a decentralized way. This collaboration not only opens up access to advanced financial tools for more individuals but also sparks innovation across the broader financial landscape.

Real-time Decision-Making with Sentiment Analysis:

The impact of social media on financial markets is expected to extend into 2024, with AI-driven sentiment analysis taking the highlight. Natural Language Processing (NLP) models will continue to advance, giving traders real-time insights into market sentiment, developing patterns, and potential risks. The partnership between AI and social media data is set to play a pivotal role in forming trading choices in a dynamic market environment.

Prioritizing Ethical AI Practices:

As AI becomes more integrated into trading, moral considerations are taking center stage. In 2024, we expect a collective effort towards developing and implementing ethical AI frameworks. This includes guaranteeing reasonableness, straightforwardness, and responsibility in AI algorithms to prevent unintended biases and unethical practices. Collaboration between regulators, industry stakeholders, and technology developers will be pivotal in forming responsible AI practices.


The crossing point of AI and trading holds colossal potential for a transformative alter in 2024. The trends outlined above, from Explainable AI to the integration of quantum computing, signify a dynamic landscape where technology and finance come together. Traders, investors, and industry pioneers need to remain adjusted to these improvements to tackle the full power of AI in exploring the complexities of financial markets in the years to come. The combination of cutting-edge technology and financial insight is set to rethink the future of AI trading, making it more understandable and open for everybody involved.