Posts in My Trading Journey

Breaking the Silence: What You Should Know About Profits Withdrawal from AlgosOne!

I know you’ve been waiting for it. Here’s a quick update on my AlgosOne account situation and my experience with the first withdrawal trial. Just to remind you, I’ve recently started using a new AI trading platform and documenting my entire journey here.

Let’s begin with an overview of the trading results. Since my last update, the crypto market has been quite volatile, with BTC prices jumping between 39K and 47K USD in a short period following the ETF approval. My AI friend and I did not manage to make significant profits or incur substantial losses during this period. The balance is growing slowly, and I’ve reached 187 USD in my checking account. If we include the 100 USD I reinvested from profits into the trading balance, we’ll have a total of 287 USD in profits from 99 successful and 71 unsuccessful trades in my account.

As I mentioned earlier in my posts, when it comes to trading platforms, all the benefits do not make any sense if there are any withdrawal problems. That’s why, before recommending AlgosOne to others or investing a substantial amount, I decided to check the withdrawal process myself. This has been my original strategy since the beginning, and now I have generated enough to try the withdrawal system.

To move my first profits out of the platform, I clicked on “Balance” and chose a checking account. From the options of reinvesting, buying shares, and withdrawing, I selected the last one and filled out the request form. It is important to mention that, even though you can deposit using different cryptocurrencies or even a bank transfer, withdrawals are only available in USDT on the ERC-20 network. It’s not a problem for me, to be honest, but I hope AlgosOne will improve it for a better user experience.

I decided to put in a request for $150 (minus a $10 fee), and after around 40 minutes, I received 140 USDT in my wallet. I would say I’m satisfied with the way this system works and look forward to continuing my AI trading journey.

The Good, The Bad, and The AI: How AlgosOne Surprised Me This Week!

Hey everyone, it’s time for a quick update on my AlgosOne account. I’ll keep it brief this time since there haven’t been many changes. I want to keep you informed and share my plans for the future.

I can now sense the impact of my last reinvestment step on my trading experience. Although the additional 100 USD in my trading balance didn’t bring about significant changes, I’ve noticed a gradual increase in small profits. This week, I achieved a few milestones in my account. On the positive side, the AI successfully closed six highly profitable trades in a row, a first for me on this platform. Overall profit is about + 120 USD. However, on the downside, I experienced my largest loss ever on AlgosOne – a single trade resulted in a loss of -31.91 USD. Fortunately, the profitable trades offset that loss, leaving me with an overall positive result. It’s a reminder that AI is not a magic tool, but I remain hopeful that this kid will continue learning and improving its success rate.

As usual, I’m sharing my dashboard. The trading balance remains at the same level, as I’m currently not depositing or reinvesting profits. In my checking account, I have 141 USD. I’m considering testing profits withdrawal but will wait until there’s more in my checking account. AlgosOne charges a 0.75% fee (minimum 10 USD) for withdrawals, so I prefer to wait a bit longer. Let’s hope the AI continues to grow my account, and I’ll be able to successfully withdraw my profits. Stay tuned, and I’ll keep you updated.

2024 Bitcoin Outlook: The ETF Buzz and Halving Hype for $100K

Let’s talk about our old well-known friend Bitcoin. Yes, it’s the most popular crypto in the world but there is still much to talk about and expect from it. Bitcoin showed an incredible recovery in 2023, with an impressive 160% gain just after a kind of a rough time in 2022 (a 65% drop). So the biggest crypto question ever is on the table again: whether BTC is going to hit that magical $100,000 level by the end of 2024. Is there any chance this  $100,000 dream will become real this year?

Handling the Rollercoaster: Caution on the Ride

Looks like Bitcoin winning back the hearts of investors now after a great job has been done in 2023. But, and there’s always a “but” with Bitcoin, right? Let’s not forget the volatile nature of this crypto. Its price can swing like crazy, which might make some folks – especially those closer to retirement – a bit nervous. So, if you’re thinking of buying as much as possible BTC and holding it till it reaches 100K be ready to stay calm and patient. 

What’s the Buzz for 2024?

In the beginning of 2024 the vibe is shifting towards optimism for this year. For example, Pascal Gauthier, the big shot over at Ledger, is feeling pretty hopeful about a bullish run in the years to come. Positive vibes, right? But, of course, there are challenges on the horizon.

The Good Stuff: ETF Approval and Bitcoin Halving:

First up, the community’s buzzing about the potential approval of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF). Imagine the doors that could open for big traditional investors – that’s what’s got everyone excited.

And then, there’s the Bitcoin halving scheduled for May 2024. It’s like the cryptocurrency’s version of a party every four years. Miners get fewer rewards, but that keeps the total supply capped at 21 million coins. And get this – history says these halving events often trigger new Bitcoin rallies.

Vijay Ayyar, the VP of International Markets at CoinDCX, thinks a post-halving bullish run, combined with a possible ETF approval, could send Bitcoin’s price skyrocketing. He even suggests we might see the fireworks before the halving, leaving a bunch of investors waiting on the sidelines.

In a Nutshell:

While hitting $100,000 still isn’t a sure thing, the positive vibe around potential ETF approval and the upcoming halving event is keeping the crypto community optimistic. Anyway I believe there will be at least a few big waves on the market this year. And even if BTC will not reach 100K just make sure you take an advantage in any case. 

My AlgosOne Update: Account Journey, Profits, and Withdrawal Strategy!

It’s time for a quick update on the situation in my AlgosOne account. I’m sure you’ll be interested in taking a look at my results and user experience, given the hype surrounding this platform. Many trading enthusiasts are currently contemplating their first investment in this AI technology and trying to understand if it can be trusted.

Let me get straight to my balance. Not long ago, I reinvested 100 USD from my checking account (where all your trading profits are stored) into the main account. After all, the more money there, the more resources the AI platform can use for trading. Unfortunately, this step wasn’t enough to increase my account tier, but at this stage, I’m willing to wait and not dive headfirst into this project. So, in my main account, I now have 3,113 USD. Trading results brought me a little profit, so in the checking account, I currently have 83 USD.

As for trading, this week I relied more on AUTO trades and hardly confirmed 1CLICK, despite receiving regular notifications on Telegram. During the Christmas period, I didn’t have much free time, so I’m pleasantly surprised by the positive result despite my minimal involvement. As you can see, my activity on the platform recently left a lot to be desired.

For those already using AlgosOne, I can share a very profitable and convenient feature that I discovered not long ago. It turns out you can select a 12-hour time window in which you’ll receive all your 1CLICK trades. It is easy to find by clicking My Account and  Signals Scheduler then. I admit, I like to sleep at night, so without hesitation, I set this restriction for myself. I don’t think it will significantly affect the profitability of my account, but I won’t make any claims – decide for yourself.

It’s been almost a month since I decided to try AlgosOne, and in terms of usability, customer experience, and, most importantly, profitability, I am more than satisfied. But all of this is meaningless if the platform has problems with fund withdrawals. So, my strategy for the near future will not include reinvesting profits or making new investments. I’ll try to accumulate a more substantial profit on the checking account and withdraw it from the platform. I will definitely show the entire process, as this is one of the key questions that many are interested in. Stay tuned!


Hey, all fellow money-making enthusiasts! I continue to explore the innovative AI trading platform AlgosOne and share the entire process so that you can, based on my experience, decide whether entrusting your funds to this impersonal yet highly potential creation is worthwhile. So, get yourself ready, here’s the latest update on my account.

This week hasn’t been as profitable as some in the past. But you know, I’ve had weeks of trading on Binance where I closed only losing positions. That didn’t stop me from earning much more later. So, unsuccessful trades don’t scare me now, as I’m always geared towards long-term success. In that regard, having a positive balance between successful and unsuccessful trades in AlgosOne suits me just fine at this stage. Knowing there’s no commission for unsuccessful trades makes me feel more relaxed.

Now, let me spill the beans on a few trades that the AI pulled off for me this week—the ones that I find particularly interesting. The big winner was a long position in the USD/COP pair. Dealing with a coin that doesn’t exactly top the market cap charts, it still raked in +28.8 USD after the commission cut. Another one catching my eye is a short position, this time in the USD/PLD pair, recommended by the platform. Sure, I ended up in the red, but what excites me is that the AI is sniffing out completely different trading opportunities, including tokens tied to the gaming scene.

Gone are the days of exclusively working with the top 10 tokens; now, it’s all about navigating this ever-growing market and digging up coins with real potential. I reckon this is one of the main perks of having AI on our side as traders. No need to get bummed out. Let’s capitalize on this!

Over the course of using the AlgosOne platform, my checking account has racked up 92 USD. Now, I’m faced with a dilemma, trying to figure out what to do with these funds. Sure, I could keep them chillin’ in my checking account and let that sum grow over time. But, on the flip side, there’s the option to reinvest this profit, potentially beefing up my game on the platform down the road. Another thought is to cash out the profit, plus it’s a chance to test-drive that whole withdrawal process. Let me know in the comments which move you think would be the smart play.

Also, just a heads-up, I’ve got a referral link for those who’ve caught the vibe from my journey and are ready to dive into their own adventure with AlgosOne:

Get Ready to Rethink Trading: The AI Storm is Coming in 2024!

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) is gearing up for an exciting era of innovation, especially in the online trading and finance sectors in general. Let’s try to predict five major trends that will have a significant impact on the AI trading environment in 2024.

Making AI Understandable:

The desire for transparency in the AI decision-making process is growing. Focus on Explainable AI (XAI) in 2024 wouldn’t be a surprise for the industry. Traders and investors expect AI models to provide accurate predictions as well as an explanation why they suggest specific actions. This push for clarity is vital for building trust in AI.

Quantum Computing Changing the Game:

The combination of quantum computing with AI trading strategies is set to revolutionize the scene in 2024. As quantum computing gets more open, financial institutions are likely to use its incredible computational power to beat traditional algorithms, especially in complex problem-solving and risk evaluation. This trend could change the speed and proficiency with which trades are conducted.

Bringing DeFi and AI Together:

In 2024, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and AI are anticipated to join forces. Smart contracts and AI algorithms will team up to automate trading methodologies, optimize portfolios, and improve risk management in a decentralized way. This collaboration not only opens up access to advanced financial tools for more individuals but also sparks innovation across the broader financial landscape.

Real-time Decision-Making with Sentiment Analysis:

The impact of social media on financial markets is expected to extend into 2024, with AI-driven sentiment analysis taking the highlight. Natural Language Processing (NLP) models will continue to advance, giving traders real-time insights into market sentiment, developing patterns, and potential risks. The partnership between AI and social media data is set to play a pivotal role in forming trading choices in a dynamic market environment.

Prioritizing Ethical AI Practices:

As AI becomes more integrated into trading, moral considerations are taking center stage. In 2024, we expect a collective effort towards developing and implementing ethical AI frameworks. This includes guaranteeing reasonableness, straightforwardness, and responsibility in AI algorithms to prevent unintended biases and unethical practices. Collaboration between regulators, industry stakeholders, and technology developers will be pivotal in forming responsible AI practices.


The crossing point of AI and trading holds colossal potential for a transformative alter in 2024. The trends outlined above, from Explainable AI to the integration of quantum computing, signify a dynamic landscape where technology and finance come together. Traders, investors, and industry pioneers need to remain adjusted to these improvements to tackle the full power of AI in exploring the complexities of financial markets in the years to come. The combination of cutting-edge technology and financial insight is set to rethink the future of AI trading, making it more understandable and open for everybody involved.

Trading Marvel: Showing My 5-In-A-Row Successful Trades with AlgosOne

I know you’ve been waiting for this! Let me continue showing you the development of my account on the AlgosOne AI trading platform, which I started using recently. As usual, I’ll share my results and talk about my thoughts and experience over the past week. Let’s go!

Let’s start by checking out my dashboard. I’m pretty happy with how my account is shaping up: considering my trading tier and the fact that I’m not always fully immersed in the process (let’s be real, confirming 1-click trades isn’t always on my radar). The profit and loss balance is holding steady on the positive side, and my check account is now sitting at a comfortable + 155 USD.

Just take a look at this successful series of profitable trades that I managed to close with the help of AI. I’m more than pleased that I was able to recover from last week’s losses and come out on top, thanks to the opening of such lucrative positions. I gained +13,85 usd in pair USD / APE; in USD / AVAX + 6,64 usd; in USD / KLAY + 16,72 usd; in USD / DOT + 25,53 usd and in USD / APT + 23,77 usd. Five successful trades in a row –  what a wonderful result from my robotic partner!

At this point, I decided to dip into the profit that had accumulated in my checking account for the first time. I wanted to experiment a bit, so I reinvested 100 USD into my trading balance, allowing the platform to utilize more funds for profit generation. By the way, AlgosOne added a 5% bonus on top of that. Let’s see how this will impact the profit margins — I’ll definitely fill you in on the details in the upcoming updates.


Hey, everyone who is following my fascinating and enlightening journey through online trading on a high-tech AI platform. It’s been about two weeks since I started using AlgosOne on a daily basis, and I’m once again ready to openly share my results and discuss important observations. I truly hope this post can be helpful to anyone considering earning through AI trading.

Let’s get straight to the business. The crypto market has shown huge volatility in the last week, as well as a lot of hype around it. To be honest, I wasn’t sure how well AI would be able to analyze and profit from such a constantly developing situation. However, the results exceeded my expectations and dispelled my uncertainty about this technology. The platform generated the highest profit for this week (+36 USD excluding commissions) through trading in the dollar/Injective (INJ) pair. This prompted me to take notice of this asset, which, in my opinion, seems quite promising.

Speaking of overall results, the balance of my checking account now stands at 117 USD. Just to remind you, I made an initial deposit of 2735 USD (2500 EUR) two weeks ago. Wouldn’t you say that’s a decent outcome?

I’d also like to mention that the platform has a referral program as well. So, feel free to use this referral link for registration if my blog has inspired you to join AI-based trading to generate as much as possible returns:

Telegram Alerts and Profit Gains: Inside My AlgosOne Adventure!

Certainly, you may recall that I started using AlgosOne recently. An entire week has already passed since I embarked on this exciting journey with this highly promising AI trading platform. The experience has been nothing short of fascinating since the minute I funded my account and completed my first trades. Reflecting on the previous week, it’s clear that I have a lot of insights and important observations to share with you.

Let me begin with a review of what I consider a very important and useful feature of this platform. I frequently use Telegram for both daily communication and gathering information from various channels. So, I was delighted to find out that the guys at AlgosOne made it possible to link my trading account with this messenger in just a few clicks. Now, I receive notifications on Telegram as soon as the AI identifies a potentially good trade, giving me the time to log into my account and confirm it. It’s definitely a big advantage of the platform in terms of usability. I hope they will continue developing their Telegram bot by adding more trading info.

Let’s now delve into the intricacies of the trading process itself. As per my account level, there is a daily limit of 1 AUTO trade and 5 1CLICK trades. Moreover, I had the opportunity to initiate multiple trades from the Trading Bank, a feature that the company replenishes as a bonus for various activities. To be honest, I didn’t confirm all the 1CLICK trades suggested by the platform. Sometimes I didn’t have enough time for it, so it could have affected the overall results. Now, I grasp why a higher account tier, with an augmented limit on AUTO trades, holds a more enticing appeal. Increasing the account tier seems to make sense, yet I intend to give it further consideration.

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for: How much money have I made? The trading results encompassed both positive and negative outcomes, which was entirely expected and falls within the norm. However, what pleasantly caught my attention was the platform’s policy of not levying any commissions on unsuccessful trades. If I didn’t rake in profits, the company wouldn’t either. Fair enough, I must say!

As for the overall profit for the week, my checking account now proudly boasts a +51 USD. I find myself more than happy with these numbers, particularly since this profit is a direct result of the AI’s prowess at work. So as long as there is no way for a hypothetical uprising of machines, I’m satisfied with this partnership. Let’s eagerly await where this voyage with AlgosOne will steer me in the future; rest assured, I’ll keep you abreast of the developments. Until next time, stay tuned!

AI Trading Secrets Exposed: Is It Better Than Algorithmic Trading?

In the rapidly changing trading landscape, investors have a wealth of tools and techniques at their fingertips. Of these, algorithmic trading and AI-based trading have emerged as the dominant strategies, receiving more attention recently. While both approaches use automation and data analytics, they have advantages as well as disadvantages and deliver distinct returns. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between algorithmic trading and AI trading, examine the pros and cons of each, and guide you through the most appropriate choice for your trading goals

Algorithmic Trading

Algorithmic trading, commonly known as algo trading, is a technique that relies on predetermined rules and mathematical models to execute trades. These algorithms are designed to analyze market trends, identify trading opportunities, and execute orders on price and at the best of times.

Pros of algorithmic trading:

  • Speed ​​and efficiency: Algorithms can execute trades at lightning speed, taking advantage of market opportunities before human traders can react.
  • Discipline: Algo trading reinforces discipline by following established rules, reducing emotional judgment.
  • Back-testing: Algorithmic trading methods are extremely easy to back-test and optimize, allowing traders to fine-tune their systems over time.
  • Risk management: Algorithms can be developed to incorporate risk management measures, help prevent losses and protect capital.

Cons in algorithmic trading:

  • Limited flexibility: Algorithmic trading systems are rigid and may struggle to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions or unpredictable information.
  • Data dependency: The effectiveness of the algorithm is highly dependent on the quality and availability of historical market data.
  • Over-Optimization Risk: Due to shifting market dynamics, traders may over-optimize their algorithms, making them perform poorly in the future even if they did well in the past.

AI-Based Trading

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are used in AI-based trading to make trading judgments. These systems make use of advanced algorithms that can adjust to shifting market conditions and learn from data.

Pros of AI-Based Trading:

  • Adaptability: AI systems have the ability to learn from fresh data and adjust to shifting market conditions, which may give them an advantage in erratic markets.
  • Pattern recognition: Artificial intelligence (AI) can identify patterns and trends that human may find challenging to discern, helping them to make more informed judgments.
  • Unstructured data analysis: To help traders make better decisions, artificial intelligence  can evaluate a variety of unstructured data sources, including news, social media sentiment, and economic indicators.
  • Risk analysis: AI can dynamically assess risk and adjust trading strategies accordingly, potentially reducing losses

Cons of AI-Based Trading:

  • Complexity: AI trading systems can be challenging to manage, requiring a solid basis in data analytics and machine learning.
  • Data quality: is crucial to artificial intelligence, and noisy or skewed data can produce inaccurate predictions.
  • Black-box nature: AI systems are sometimes thought of as “black boxes,” which makes it challenging to decipher the precise reasoning behind trading choices.

In conclusion, your trading preferences and goals will ultimately determine which approach you choose between algorithmic and AI-based trading. For those seeking simplicity, discipline, speed, and default rules, algorithmic trading might be the best option. However, an AI-based trading journey might be a good fit for you if you value flexibility, the ability to recognize patterns, and the willingness to invest in data analysis.