It’s time for a quick update on the situation in my AlgosOne account. I’m sure you’ll be interested in taking a look at my results and user experience, given the hype surrounding this platform. Many trading enthusiasts are currently contemplating their first investment in this AI technology and trying to understand if it can be trusted.

Let me get straight to my balance. Not long ago, I reinvested 100 USD from my checking account (where all your trading profits are stored) into the main account. After all, the more money there, the more resources the AI platform can use for trading. Unfortunately, this step wasn’t enough to increase my account tier, but at this stage, I’m willing to wait and not dive headfirst into this project. So, in my main account, I now have 3,113 USD. Trading results brought me a little profit, so in the checking account, I currently have 83 USD.

As for trading, this week I relied more on AUTO trades and hardly confirmed 1CLICK, despite receiving regular notifications on Telegram. During the Christmas period, I didn’t have much free time, so I’m pleasantly surprised by the positive result despite my minimal involvement. As you can see, my activity on the platform recently left a lot to be desired.

For those already using AlgosOne, I can share a very profitable and convenient feature that I discovered not long ago. It turns out you can select a 12-hour time window in which you’ll receive all your 1CLICK trades. It is easy to find by clicking My Account and  Signals Scheduler then. I admit, I like to sleep at night, so without hesitation, I set this restriction for myself. I don’t think it will significantly affect the profitability of my account, but I won’t make any claims – decide for yourself.

It’s been almost a month since I decided to try AlgosOne, and in terms of usability, customer experience, and, most importantly, profitability, I am more than satisfied. But all of this is meaningless if the platform has problems with fund withdrawals. So, my strategy for the near future will not include reinvesting profits or making new investments. I’ll try to accumulate a more substantial profit on the checking account and withdraw it from the platform. I will definitely show the entire process, as this is one of the key questions that many are interested in. Stay tuned!

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